Our Collections

The university's libraries and archives contain rich collections in the field of Religious Studies, which are accessible to TNA users.

Library of the University of Sarajevo 

The Library of the University of Sarajevo has a coordinating role at the University level. The Library is making efforts towards establishment of the unique UNSA library-information system. University of Sarajevo has 28 member institutions libraries that offer library-information services and support to research and teaching processes. University of Sarajevo central on-line library catalogue currently includes 133,294 titles. The majority of titles originates from the Library of the Faculty of Philosophy, Faculty of Catholic Theology, Business School, and the Law Faculty.

Library of the Faculty of Catholic Theology

The History of the Faculty of Catholic Theology’s collection reaches back to 1882. In addition to numerous and valuable individual works, the Library was enriched with a complete series of works by church fathers published by J. Migne, and then a collection of Acts of General Church Conferences published by Mansi. The value certainly stands out for rarities. This collection has 226 rare copies such as the Roman Missals from the 18th century, as well as other remarkable copies of old liturgical books. Important within collections are the archival and library materials of the Bosnian Franciscans from the 18th century, as well as numerous literature in Gothic. A large number of specimens are distinguished by language and graphic dualism, which originate from the time of medieval Bosnia. The collection available at the Faculty is linked with the diocese archive and library, which enables even more detailed research under professional guidance.

Department of Oriental Philology

The Department of Oriental Philology (Faculty of Philosophy) was founded in 1950. In conceiving curricula it sought to develop a specific study that educates experts ready to study Arabic, Turkish, and Persian languages and classical and modern literature in these languages, and to explore Ottoman sources and rich manuscripts in Arabic, Turkish and Persian for the scientific and civilizational needs of studying the history and culture of BiH.