News 13 May 2024

Indispensable Infrastructure for Present and Future Generations of Scholars

Giorgi Kapanadze from the New Georgian University visited the Faculty of Theology of the University of Ljubljana in May 2024 with a RESILIENCE Transnational Access (TNA) fellowship. Here you can read what he told us about his experience:

“As a participant of the RESILIENCE TNA Fellowship, I have the pleasure of visiting the University of Ljubljana – the faculty of theology. The RESILIENCE TNA fellowship, which integrates several institutions all around Europe, provides wonderful research opportunities and academic tools for everyone who explores religious-related disciplines, especially for researchers and scholars from less-developed regions that lack sufficient material infrastructure and academic resources.”

Interdisciplinary Project on Religious Epistemology

“My current project, which is dedicated to religious epistemology, stands at the crossroads of theology, philosophy, and religious studies, more concretely it raises a philosophical question concerning the epistemological status of the religious knowledge system. By examining the sacred texts of world religions, and particularly the theoretical and practical issues that are presented inside them, the project attempts to unfold the origin, nature, meaning, and validity of religious belief.”

My Experience as a RESILIENCE TNA Fellow

“The RESILIENCE TNA fellowship enables me to gain access to a rich body of material and digital sources, and more importantly, to keep conversations with specialists who are exploring the same areas of knowledge, in other words, it makes available a wide variety of academic tools that otherwise wouldn’t be accessible.

During my stay, the faculty of theology offers a comfortable working environment and a well-equipped library with a great variety of resources from philosophy to theology to religious studies. I believe that the interdisciplinary study of religion, a system of beliefs and practices that is often rejected or accepted without proper understanding, should be an important part of the contemporary academy and this particular project provides an indispensable infrastructure for present and future generations of scholars.”


Thank you very much for this interview, Giorgi Kapanadze! We wish you all the best for your future research.


The University of Ljubljana as Host for RESILIENCE Transnational Access Fellowships

The University of Ljubljana was the first institution that received the observer status in RESILIENCE. Since 2023, the Faculty of Theology at the University of Ljubljana is also host for RESILIENCE TNA fellowships.

The Faculty of Theology has two libraries in Ljubljana and Maribor, both housing a diverse collection of theological, historical, religious, and philosophical works. These libraries contain an extensive range of literature on the history of the Church in Slovenia, materials on exegetical and dogmatic topics, as well as literature on liturgy, sacraments, and catechesis in Slovenia. An extensive collection of philosophical writings by Slovenian philosophers as well as European and non-European authors is available. Within the framework of TNA, you also have access to the Archbishop’s Archives of Ljubljana, the diocesan and seminary libraries as well as the National and University Library of Ljubljana with its comprehensive holdings.


Read more about our Transnational Access fellowship programme at the University of Ljubljana and 14 other research institutions here.