News 14 July 2023

Webinar: FAIR Data in Religious Studies in the Context of the EOSC

RESILIENCE’s panel held at EuARe 2023 is now available as a webinar. The webinar is an introduction to FAIR data principles, research data management and how to work with them, whereas also background information is being given on what is behind the digital turn in Religious Studies and how RESILIENCE responds to the new reality.

What and Whom?

What are FAIR data principles, how can you work with them and what opportunities do they open up to you as a researcher? These questions are being discussed during the webinar, given by Roxanne Wyns (innovation manager at LIBIS/KU Leuven), Lieneke Timpers (researcher at KU Leuven) and Federico Alpi (affiliated researcher at the Foundation for Religious Studies in Bologna).

Structure of the Webinar

  • Introduction.
  • Presentation Roxanne Wyns on Open Science, including a brief introduction to RESILIENCE.
  • Presentation Lieneke Timpers on “Why do we need a research infrastructure for Religious Studies?”
  • Presentation Roxanne Wyns on “Fair Data in Religious Studies”
  • Presentation Federico Alpi on “The impact of good research data management on Religious Studies and your research career”.
  • Invitation to attend the RESILIENCE online workshop September 2023, where to practice working with FAIR Data.