
ReIReSearch is a platform where disparate digital resources and databases related to Religious Studies are searchable in a unified and standardized way.

Discover More Data

ReIReSearch addresses the growing need of scholars in Religious Studies to discover more data, regardless of location with a platform where disparate digital resources and databases are searchable in a unified and standardized way. ReIReSearch was developed as part of the ReIReS project and the maintenance and expansion of the platform is integrated into RESILIENCE as one of its Research-Enhancing Services.

Data from Several Institutions

The data on ReIReSearch comes from several institutions, from both the public and private sector. Academic institutions provide some of the data. They house their own collections of manuscripts, documents, and rare books and share the relevant metadata for discovery by the users of ReIReSearch. ReIReSearch offers access to 797.773 records from 10 different datasets. That data represents relevant collections of Christian, Jewish and Muslim works. This is complemented by information from specialised subscription databases from commercial publishers.

How to Use ReIReSearch

How to Contribute to ReIReSearch

FAIR Data Principle

All of this is searchable simultaneously on a platform designed to improve the findability, accessibility, interoperability and re-usability of important research data from the field of Religious Studies. Those four attributes correspond to the FAIR data principles that enable and enhance the reuse of data in research.

  • Findability: With every library, archive, etc. having its own website or online catalogue relevant material is widely distributed. It requires prior knowledge of where certain collections and data sets are located, insight into terminology used and often knowledge of multiple languages to find a relevant body of data. ReIReSearch addresses this by making data from disparate sources findable on a single platform.
  • Accessibility: Those different platforms each have their own look & feel, search functions, keywords etc. In addition, the quality of the platforms varies greatly. ReIReSearch helps avoid this issue by offering users a single user-friendly platform to discover new research data.
  • Interoperability: Although data is increasingly accessible in machine-readable format, the variety of description models and formats used in different platforms means that researchers must always interpret and align the data. Creating a collection of relevant data therefore requires a great deal of technical knowledge and time. ReIReSearch helps researchers save time by mapping all of its data to a shared data model and by including several data export functionalities.
  • Re-usability: There is the lack of data documentation and license specification that hampers the reuse potential of data. ReIReSearch ensures that data providers give a clear indication of the license under which their data can be used in academic research.


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