Research Groups and Expertise

The Faculty of Theology has two research groups, nine institutes and one centre.

Research Groups


  • Institute for the history of the Church (Head: Dr. Matjaž Ambrožič).
  • Institute for Philosophy and Social Ethics (Head: Dr. Bojan Žalec).
  • Institute for the Bible, Judaism and early Christianity (Head: Dr. Samo Skralovnik).
  • Institute for moral theology and spiritual issues in contemporary culture (Head: Dr. Ivan Platovnjak).
  • Institute for Canon Law (Head: Dr. Stanislav Slartinek).
  • Institute for Psychology and Sociology of Religion and Marriage and Family Therapy (Head: Dr. Igor Bahovec).
  • Institute for Applied Theology (Head: Dr. Iva Nežič Glavica).
  • Institute Stank Janežič for Dogmatic, Basic and Ecumenical Theology and Religious Studies and Dialogue (Head: Dr. Simon Malmenvall).
  • Institute for Bioethics (Head: Dr. Roman Globokar).
  • Institute for Patristic Studies (Head: Dr. Miran Špelič).


  • Centre for Human-Centred Artificial Intelligence and the Ethics of New Technologies (Head: Prof. Dr. Vojko Strahovnik).