WP2: Services

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Lead Beneficiary


Other Beneficiaries Involved

Fscire, Bar Ilan University, CINECA, EPHE, InfAI, University of Sofia, Theological University of Apeldoorn, Albanian University, University of Warsaw, Volos Academy for Theological Studies, University of Münster

WP2 Objectives

Prepare the RESILIENCE RI services to allow generating, preserving and transmitting knowledge to society. This WP covers all activities necessary before the implementation of any service such as:

  • Defining a strategy that enables RESILIENCE services implementation teams to deliver services that allow users to achieve their outcomes (Service Strategy) and defining a strategy how these services need to be implemented and operated (service management strategy).
  • Preparation of the work of the future internal/external user and IT services providers.
  • Development of priority lists of services.
  • Establishment of data management strategy and policies to create the greatest added values to the RI users.

Description of Work/Tasks

T2.1 Strategy of services.

T2.2 Preparing User Services.

T2.3 Preparing IT Services.

T2.4 Data Management Services.

T2.5 Data Management Plan.

T2.6 Preparing Trans-National Access services activities.

T2.7 Preparing Training services activities.


D2.1: Services Preparation and Implementation Strategy: detailed description of the strategy for implementing RESILIENCE services.

D2.2: User Services Catalogue: organised, curated and documented collection of any and all user services that can be performed on the RESILIENCE platform.

D2.3: IT Services Catalogue: organised, curated and documented collection of any and all IT services supporting the user services operated on the RESILIENCE platform.

D2.4: Data Management Plan: plan detailing how to make data FAIR, including what data RESILIENCE manages, whether and how it is made accessible for verification and re-use, and how it will be curated and preserved.

D2.5: TNA Services Management Plan: The TNA Management Plan describes criteria of excellence for TNA hosts and users, their rights and duties within the program, quality monitoring procedures and responsibilities (incl. Peer Review Committee), and efficient information providing and research enhancing workflows.

D2.6: Training Services Management Plan: The Training Management Plan defines the model of training activities provided by RESILIENCE and represents a guide for the partners involved in training activities.

D2.7: Security Management Plan (SMP): The Security Management Plan is elaborated to define all aspects of the working practices of the project to guarantee secure delivery. It contains a Secure Coding/Development Guidelines aligned with “ISO/IEC 27034 Information technology – Security techniques, the OWASP Developer Guide, Testing Guide and Top-10 Application Security Risks.

D2.8: Software Development Plan Template (SDPT): The Software Development Plan Template is elaborated to define all best practices for the development, testing and installation of a software to be created and maintained within the context of RESILIENCE. The SDP is foundational for the IT aspect of RESILIENCE, since each software project will then create an instance of this template specifically adapted to the software maintained.

D2.9: Data Center Services – Service Level Requirements (SLR): collection of the project services requirements from all management team members. This information, a mandatory ITIL deliverable will be presented as Service Level Requirements (SLR) and is an important deliverable that must be clearly defined, documented, signed off, and understood by all project stakeholders before the Data Center Services service could be delivered.

D2.10: Operations Management Policy (OMP): From the DCS-SLR, the team will create an Operations Management Policy that will contain operation guidelines and responsibilities, service level arrangements and delivery conditions.

D2.11: Master/Reference Data Management (MDM): For all services to be aligned with researchers’ needs in terms of data exchange, RESILIENCE needs to establish a Reference Data Architecture as well as the processes to maintin it during the whole RI duration.

D2.12: TNA – Management Report (TNA-MR): This deliverable will present the results of the pilot TNA activities, evaluating the results, difficulties and potential risks and opportunities.

D2.13: Trainings – Management Report (T-MR): This deliverable presents the results of the pilot training activities, evaluating the results, difficulties and potential risks and opportunities.