WP3: Users

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Lead Beneficiary

University of Münster

Other Beneficiaries Involved

Fscire, CINECA, InfAI, University of Sofia, Theological University of Apeldoorn, University of Sarajevo, University of Warsaw

WP3 Objectives

RESILIENCE puts users at the core of its activities, thus offers to its users only those services that are requested or envisioned by the community. The task addresses the need to (1) better analyse user requirements for the RESILIENCE suite of services; (2) overcome the difficulty that the scientific community (esp. non-digital natives) may find to profitably interact with the RI; (3) involve citizens in the scientific work conducted through RESILIENCE.

Therefore, WP3 objectives are:

  • Reach mutual understanding between the RESILIENCE partners and the future RI platform users about the meaning and added value of the RI.
  • Identify the list of potential users’ profile and their role for the development of the Authentication and Authorisation Infrastructure (AAI)
  • Define RESILIENCE services requirements and prioritisation through use cases and user stories
  • Evaluate the current experiences on similar R-Suite services conducted so far by RESILIENCE partners and other RIs at infrastructural and institutional level, to:
    • identify potential synergies to exploit already existing tools, methods, frameworks (i.e. usage of the EOSC Interoperability framework, the Reference Ontology from SSHOC, expertise on PID services from CLARIN, etc.).
    • become partner/member of the RI;
    • meet with the technical experts of each RI to set up a plan to create added value based on the mutual existing resources within each partner TI;
    • implement the plan (i.e.: use/enrich/intergrate the resources of the new partners for/from the RESILIENCE RI within the operational teams);
    • participate regularly to meetings with the RI partners to continuously improve the exchanged resources.

Description of Work/Tasks

T3.1 Users requirements.

T3.2 Use cases.

T3.3 User stories.


D3.1 Workshops proceedings: collection of notes and media documents presenting the highlights of all Design Thinking workshops.

D3.2 Documented Use Cases: for each service, user/functional requirements are documented using use cases and collected within D3.2, including a set of SMART objectives for the next project phase.

D3.3 User Stories: collections of User Stories allowing to identify roles connected with services functions.