WP6: Project Management

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Lead Beneficiary


Other Beneficiaries Involved

Bar Ilan University, CINECA, EPHE, InfAI, KU Leuven, University of Sofia, Theological University of Apeldoorn, Albanian University, University of Sarajevo, University of Warsaw, University of Münster, Volos Academy for Theological Studies

WP6 Objectives

  • Leading the project to organisational and financial achievement.
  • Implementing the RESILIENCE governance structure, and ensuring partners’ coordinated and cooperative work.
  • Monitoring the progress of the whole project and of the single WPs and managing contingencies.
  • Identifying risks and implementing effective control measures.
  • Monitoring the quality of the deliverables produced and the respect of progress indicators.
  • Ensuring the proper management of data within the project.

Description of Work

T6.1 Implementing the RESILIENCE governance structure.

T6.2 Project Management.


D6.1: Governance set-up proceedings: GenA, BoD and WU members meet at the kick-off of the project, share and synchronise working rules. The calendar of meetings is adopted and made public.

D6.2: Templates and guidelines for the monitoring, reporting and management activities: documents for financial, effort, and reporting monitoring are produced, shared among and explained to partners to support the project performance.

D6.3: Detailed Organisational Plan (DOP): The plan provides the tools for the management activities and also templates supporting the reporting activity.

D6.4: Quality Assessment Plan (QAP): The plan details the Quality Management system adopted by RESILIENCE, including the processes for quality management and assessment, risk analysis, performance indicators management and a strategy to deal with ethics.