News 07 June 2024

RESILIENCE Prepares its Training Program Making Use of Prototyping

Training is an essential element for a research infrastructure. After all, future users do want to make the best possible use of the tools and services being offered, and a customized training program will support this. Therefore, RESILIENCE is working on its training program, making use of prototyping.


The prototypes for such a training program are being developed in this Preparatory Phase (2022-2026), with a first report to be delivered July 2025. The prototypes include three trainings, whose results will be processed in a Training Services Management Plan (Deliverable D2.6) and in a Training Management Report (Deliverable D2.13), allowing the implementation of RESILIENCE’s training program in the next phase of the research infrastructure, starting 2026.

Three Trainings

Currently three trainings are in preparation:

  • Remote Training Prototype for Researchers: “Software TRACER –Text Reuse Detection Machine”.
  • Online Training Prototype for Librarians/Archivists, topic to be specified.
  • On-site Training Prototype for Researchers: “Religion for the Senses: How to Read, Treat and Hear Religious Sources”.

The prototypes of the training courses will be customised for research on religions, FAIR-by-design and using the impact assessment templates developed by RESILIENCE WP5. They will allow RESILIENCE to test the trainings for, among other things, effectiveness and usefulness to the participants and to incorporate the results into the final training framework. While developing the prototypes, RESILIENCE will make use of available skills and expertise among the consortium partners and of experience from previous projects.

Training Program

The future RESILIENCE training program will provide tools and methods to support researchers and archivist/librarians in using RESILIENCE services and maybe creating their own training materials.