Research-Enhancing Services

The RESILIENCE Research-Enhancing Services support you with your research project.

Digital Services

They cover digital services on topics such as digitisation, retrieving, and finding information in your data. They enrich your research data through annotation and virtual collaboration platforms.

Search & Find

ReIReSearch, the unified discovery environment as developed by the ReIReS project preceding RESILIENCE is further extended and built upon by RESILIENCE. It allows you to discover more data, regardless of location, with a platform where disparate digital resources and databases are searchable in a unified and standardized way.

Training Programme

They offer a sophisticated training programme to learn how to use the RESILIENCE services and much more.


For physical access to prestigious resources such as manuscripts and codices, RESILIENCE offers you the highest quality and widest collection of European resources in Religious Studies and Theology.

TNA Fellowship Programme

Moreover, RESILIENCE serves you as part of a community with a dedicated TNA (Transnational Access) fellowship_ programme to help cover costs for your research stay at one of RESILIENCE’s partner institutions.